We provide translation services in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17100. This is what our registration with DIN CERTCO (Reg. No. 7U556) stands for.

The target language is always our translator’s mother tongue
Our translators are native speakers who translate into their native language. They have first-rate reading skills in the source language and excellent writing proficiency in the target language.

Translation services with the best qualifications
Our translators have a university degree, usually in a foreign language, linguistics or translation science. Our translators have many years of experience in the translation of complex texts and extensive expertise in their area of specialization.

CAT-supported translations
Our translators are equipped for professional work as technical translators. They know how to perform terminology research and are familiar with translation technology; they know both the benefits and limitations of CAT-supported translations.

Absolute adherence to delivery dates
Our translators are professionals who always meet project deadlines dates and keep the confidentiality of documents and information entrusted to us.

Highest quality standards
Benefit from our high-quality standards and make use of our qualifications for your translation projects. Whether in the language combination German/English, English/German or in other language pairs.

Old books had always filled Brunetti with nostalgia for centuries in which he had not lived. They were printed on paper made from old cloth, shredded, pounded, watered down and pounded again and hand-made into large sheets to be printed, then folded and folded again, and bound and stitched by hand: all the effort to record and remember who we are and what we thought, Brunetti mused. He remembered loving the feel and heft of them, but chiefly he remembered that dry, soft scent, the past’s attempt to make itself real again.

Donna Leon, By Its Cover